The has_type relation is good but doesn’t give us a executable algorithm – 不是一个算法 but it’s syntax directed, just one typing rule for one term (unique typing) – translate into function!
Comparing Types
首先我们需要 check equality for types. 这里非常简单,如果是 SystemF 会麻烦很多,对 ∀ 要做 local nameless 或者 alpha renaming:
Fixpoint type_check (Gamma : context) (t : tm) : option ty := match t with | var x => Gamma x | abs x T11 t12 => match type_check (update Gamma x T11) t12 with(** <-- 对应 t12 的 rule **) | Some T12 => Some (Arrow T11 T12) | _ => None end | app t1 t2 => match type_check Gamma t1, type_check Gamma t2 with | Some (Arrow T11 T12),Some T2 => if eqb_ty T11 T2 then Some T12 else None (** eqb_ty 见下文 **) | _,_ => None end ...
Fixpoint stepf (t : tm) : option tm := match t with | var x => None (* We only define step for closed terms *) | abs x1 T1 t2 => None (* Abstraction is a value *) | app t1 t2 => match stepf t1, stepf t2, t1 with | Some t1', _ , _ => Some (app t1' t2) | None , Some t2', _ => assert (valuef t1) (Some (app t1 t2')) (* otherwise [t1] is a normal form *) | None , None , abs x T t11 => assert (valuef t2) (Some ([x:=t2]t11)) (* otherwise [t1], [t2] are normal forms *) | _ , _ , _ => None end
Definitionassert (b : bool) (a : option tm) : option tm := if b then a else None.
对于关系,一直就是 implicitly applied 的,在可用时即使用。 对于函数,我们需要手动指定 match 的顺序
t ::= Terms: | {i1=t1, ..., in=tn} record | t.i projection | ... v ::= Values: | {i1=v1, ..., in=vn} record value | ... T ::= Types: | {i1:T1, ..., in:Tn} record type | ...
Hux: this chapter is very similar to TAPL - ch13 References But under a “formal verification” concept, it’s more interesting and practical and push you to think about it!
computational effects - “side effects” of computation - impure features
assign to mutable variables (reference cells, arrays, mutable record fields, etc.)
perform input and output to files, displays, or network connections;
make non-local transfers of control via exceptions, jumps, or continuations;
engage in inter-process synchronization and communication
The main extension will be dealing explicitly with a
store (or heap) and
pointers (or reference) that name store locations, or address…
interesting refinement: type preservation
forms of assignments:
rare : Gallina - No
some : ML family - Explicit reference and dereference
most : C family - Implicit …
For formal study, use ML’s model.
Types & Terms
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T ::= | Nat | Unit | T → T | Ref T
t ::= | ... Terms | ref t allocation | !t dereference | t := t assignment | l location
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Inductive ty : Type := | Nat : ty | Unit : ty | Arrow : ty → ty → ty | Ref : ty → ty.
Inductive tm : Type := (* STLC with numbers: *) ... (* New terms: *) | unit : tm | ref : tm → tm | deref : tm → tm | assign : tm → tm → tm | loc : nat → tm. (** 这里表示 l 的方式是 wrap 一个 nat as loc **)
Inductive value : tm → Prop := ... | v_unit : value unit | v_loc : ∀l, value (loc l). (* <-- 注意这里是一个 Π (l:nat) . value (loc l) *)
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Fixpointsubst (x:string) (s:tm) (t:tm) : tm := match t with ... | unit ⇒ t | ref t1 ⇒ ref (subst x s t1) | deref t1 ⇒ deref (subst x s t1) | assign t1 t2 ⇒ assign (subst x s t1) (subst x s t2) | loc_ ⇒ t end.
Side Effects and Sequencing
r:=succ(!r); !r
can be desugar to
(\x:Unit. !r) (r:=succ(!r)).
then we can write some “imperative programming”
References and Aliasing
shared reference brings _shared state
let r = ref 5 in
let s = r in
s := 82;
Shared State
thunks as methods
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let c = ref 0in let incc = \_:Unit. (c := succ (!c); !c) in let decc = \_:Unit. (c := pred (!c); !c) in ( incc unit; incc unit; -- in real PL: the concrete syntax is `incc()` decc unit )
constructor and encapsulation!
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newcounter = \_:Unit. -- add `(self, init_val)` would make it more "real" let c = ref 0in-- private and only accessible via closure (特权方法) let incc = \_:Unit. (c := succ (!c); !c) in let decc = \_:Unit. (c := pred (!c); !c) in { i=incc, d=decc } -- return a "record", or "struct", or "object"!
References to Compound Types (e.g. Function Type)
Previously, we use closure to represent map, with functional update 这里的”数组” (这个到底算不算数组估计都有争议,虽然的确提供了 index 但是这个显然是 O(n) 都不知道算不算 random access… 并不是 in-place update 里面的数据的,仅仅是一个 ref 包住的 map 而已 (仅仅是多了可以 shared
其实或许 list (ref nat) 也可以表达数组? 反正都是 O(n) 每次都 linear search 也一样……
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newarray = \_:Unit. ref (\n:Nat.0) lookup = \a:NatArray. \n:Nat. (!a) n update = \a:NatArray. \m:Nat. \v:Nat. let oldf = !a in a := (\n:Nat. if equal m n then v else oldf n);
Null References
Deref a nullptr:
exception in Java/C#
insecure in C/C++ <– violate memory safety!!
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typeOptionT = Unit + T typeNullableT = Option (RefT)
Why is Option outside? think about C, nullptr is A special const location, like Unit (None in terms of datacon) here.
Garbage Collection
last issue: store de-allocation
w/o GC, extremely difficult to achieve type safety…if a primitive for “explicit deallocation” provided one can easily create dangling reference i.e. references -> deleted
One type-unsafe example: (pseudo code)
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a : RefNat = ref 1; -- alloc loc 0 free(a); -- free loc 0 b : RefBool = ref True; -- alloc loc 0
a := !a + 1-- BOOM!
Operational Semantics
what should be the values of type Ref T?
ref allocate some memory/storage!
run-time store is essentially big array of bytes. different datatype need to allocate different size of space (region)
we think store as array of values, abstracting away different size of different values we use the word location here to prevent from modeling pointer arithmetic, which is un-trackable by most type system
location n is float doesn’t tell you anything about location n+4…
we defined replace as Fixpoint since it’s computational and easier. The consequence is it has to be total.
typing context:
Definition context := partial_map ty.
Store typings
why not just make a context a map of pair? we don’t want to complicate the dynamics of language, and this store typing is only for type check.
Inductive ty : Type := (* record types *) | RNil : ty | RCons : string → ty → ty → ty.
we need typecon to identify record…
Inductive tm : Type :=
| rproj ...? isn't it as well?
(* record terms *)
| rnil : tm
| rcons : string → tm → tm → tm.
as a list...
for Record, can compiler reorder the fields? (SML and OCaml)
Because Coq encodes conjunctions and disjunctions using binary constructors ∧ and ∨… to work with a N-ary logical connectives…
n-ary conjunction
n-ary split
n-ary disjunction
faster destruct?
Tactics for Working with Equality
asserts_rewrite and cuts_rewrite
better subst - not fail on circular eq
vs f_equal?
variant of eapply
Some Convenient Shorthands
better unfold
false and tryfalse
better exfalso
shorthand for generalize dependent, multiple arg.
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(* old *) intros Gamma x U v t S Htypt Htypv. generalizedependent S. generalizedependent Gamma. (* nice!!! *) introv Htypt Htypv. gen S Gamma.
Integers, or whole number from elemental mathematics, are the most common and fundamental numbers used in the computers. It’s represented as fixed-point numbers, contrast to floating-point numbers in the machine. Today we are going to learn a whole bunch of way to encode it.
There are mainly two properties to make a integer representation different:
Size, of the number of bits used. usually the power of 2. e.g. 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit.
Signed or unsigned. there are also multiple schemas to encode a signed integers.
We are also gonna use the below terminologies throughout the post:
MSB: Most Significant Bit
LSB: Least Significant Bit
Prerequisite - printf Recap
We will quickly recap the integers subset of usages of printf. Basically, we used format specifier to interpolate values into strings:
usingnamespace std; intmain(){ cout << "Size of int = "<< sizeof(int) << endl; cout << "Size of long = " << sizeof(long) << endl; cout << "Size of long long = " << sizeof(longlong); } Output in 32 bit gcc compiler: 448 Output in 64 bit gcc compiler: 488
// uintptr_t (64 bit machine word len) #define PRIxPTR "llx"
Unsigned Integers
The conversion between unsigned integers and binaries are trivial. Here, we can represent 8 bits (i.e. a byte) as a hex pair, e.g. 255 == 0xff == 0b11111111.
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#include<stdint.h>// uintN_t #include<inttypes.h>// PRI macros
It’s also called “sign and magnitude”. From the name we can see how straightforward it is: it’s basically put one bit (often the MSB) as the sign bit to represent sign and the remaining bits indicating the magnitude (or absolute value), e.g.
The benefits of the complement nature is that adding becomes simple, except we need to do an end-around carry to add resulting carry back to get the correct result.
It’s referred to as twos’ complement because the negative can be formed by subtracting the positive from2 ** N (congruent to 0000 0000 (+0)), where N is the number of bits.
E.g., for a uint8_t, the sum of any number and it’s twos’ complement would be 256 (1 0000 0000):
It’s now mainly used for the exponent part of floating-point number.
Type Conversion & Printf
This might be a little bit off topic, but I want to note down what I observed from experimenting. Basically, printf would not perform an implicit type conversion but merely interpret the bits arrangement of your arguments as you told it.
Traditionally, char is represented in the computer as 8 bits as well. And really, ASCII is only defined between 0 and 127 and require 7 bits. (8-bit Extended ASCII is not quite well popularized and supported.)
It’s more complicated in extension such as Unicode nowadays, but we’ll ignore it for future posts dedicated for char and string representation.
So how is a char different with a byte?
Well, the answer is whether a char is a signed char (backed by int8_t) or a unsigned char (backed by uint8_t) is… implementaton-defined. And most systems made it signed since most types (e.g. int) were signed by default.
N.B. int is standard-defined to be equivalent to signed int. This is not the case of char.
That’s why you often see such typedef such as:
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typedefunsignedchar Byte_t; typedefuint8_tbyte_t;
to emphysize the nature of byte should be just plain, unsigned, bits.
In the last episode we talked about the data representation of integer, a kind of fixed-point numbers. Today we’re going to learn about floating-point numbers.
Floating-point numbers are used to approximate real numbers. Because of the fact that all the stuffs in computers are, eventually, just a limited sequence of bits. The representation of floating-point number had to made trade-offs between ranges and precision.
Due to its computational complexities, CPU also have a dedicated set of instructions to accelerate on floating-point arithmetics.
The terminologies of floating-point number is coming from the scientific notation, where a real number can be represented as such:
So where is the floating point? It’s the . of 1.2345. Imaging the dot can be float to the left by one to make the representation .12345.
The dot is called radix point, because to us it’s seem to be a decimal point, but it’s really a binary point in the computers.
Now it becomes clear that, to represent a floating-point number in computers, we will simply assign some bits for significand and some for exponent, and potentially a bit for sign and that’s it.
The sign part took 1 bit to indicate the sign of the floats. (0 for + and 1 for -. This is the same treatment as the sign magnitute.
The exponent part took 8 bits and used offset-binary (biased) form to represent a signed integer. It’s a variant form since it took out the -127 (all 0s) for zero and +128 (all 1s) for non-numbers, thus it ranges only [-126, 127] instead of [-127, 128]. Then, it choose the zero offset of 127 in these 254 bits (like using 128 in excess-128), a.k.a the exponent bias in the standard.
The fraction part took 23 bits with an implicit leading bit1 and represent the actual significand in total precision of 24-bits.
Don’t be confused by why it’s called fraction instead of significand! It’s all because that the 23 bits in the representation is indeed, representing the fraction part of the real significand in the scientific notation.
The floating-point version of “scientific notation” is more like:
Aha! It’s the real number 1! Recall that the E = 0b0111 1111 = 0 because it used a biased representation!
We will add more non-trivial examples later.
Demoing Floats in C/C++
Writing sample code converting between binaries (in hex) and floats are not as straightforward as it for integers. Luckily, there are still some hacks to perform it:
C - Unsafe Cast
We unsafely cast a pointer to enable reinterpretation of the same binaries.
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float f1 = 0x3f800000; // C doesn't have a floating literal taking hex. printf("%f \n", f1); // 1065353216.000000 (???)
Oh I really enjoyed this one…Union in C is not only untagged union, but also share the exact same chunk of memory. So we are doing the same reinterpretation, but in a more structural and technically fancier way.
In computer science, type punning is a common term for any programming technique that subverts or circumvents the type system of a programming language in order to achieve an effect that would be difficult or impossible to achieve within the bounds of the formal language.
C++ - reinterpret_cast
C++ does provide such type punning to the standard language:
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uint32_t u = 0x40490fdb; float a = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&u); std::cout << a; // 3.14159
Real numbers doesn’t satisfy closure property as integers does. Notably, the set of real numbers is NOT closed under the division! It could produce non-number results such as infinity (e.g. 1/0) and NaN (Not-a-Number) (e.g. taking a square root of a negative number).
It would be algebraically ideal if the set of floating-point numbers can be closed under all floating-point arithmetics. That would made many people’s life easier. So the IEEE made it so! Non-numeber values are squeezed in.
We will also include the two zeros (+0/-0) into the comparison here, since they are also special by being the only two demanding an 0x00 exponent:
Encodings of qNaN and sNaN are not specified in IEEE 754 and implemented differently on different processors. Luckily, both x86 and ARM family use the “most significant bit of fraction” to indicate whether it’s quite.
More on NaN
If we look carefully into the IEEE 754-2008 spec, in the page35, 6.2.1, it actually defined anything with exponent FF and not a infinity (i.e. with all the fraction bits being 0), a NaN!
All binary NaN bit strings have all the bits of the biased exponent field E set to 1 (see 3.4). A quiet NaN bit string should be encoded with the first bit (d1) of the trailing significand field T being 1. A signaling NaN bit string should be encoded with the first bit of the trailing significand field being 0.
That implies, we actually had 2 ** 24 - 2 of NaNs in a 32-bits float! The 24 came from the 1 sign bit plus 23 fractions and the 2 excluded were the +/- inf.
The continuous 22 bits inside the fraction looks quite a waste, and there would be even 51 bits of them in the double! We will see how to made them useful in later episodes (spoiler: they are known as NaN payload).
It’s also worth noting that it’s weird that the IEEE choose to use the MSB instead of the sign bit for NaN quiteness/signalness:
It seems strange to me that the bit which signifies whether or not the NaN is signaling is the top bit of the mantissa rather than the sign bit; perhaps something about how floating point pipelines are implemented makes it less natural to use the sign bit to decide whether or not to raise a signal. –
I guess it might be something related to the CPU pipeline? I don’t know yet.
Equality of NaNs and Zeros.
The spec defined a comparison with NaNs to return an unordered result, that means any comparison operation except !=, i.e. >=, <=, >, <, = between a NaN and any other floating-point number would return false.
No surprised that most (if not every) language implemented such behaviours, e.g. in JavaScript:
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NaN !== NaN// true NaN === NaN// false NaN > 1// false NaN < 1// false
Position and negative zeros, however, are defined to be equal!
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+0 === -0// true, using the traditional JS equality, -0) // false, using the "SameValue" equality
In Cpp, we can tell them apart by looking at its sign bit:
My notes on reading Software Foundation and (if any) watching on Coq intensive.
Gotchas from my independent studies and discussion within Prof.Fluet‘s class.
The .v code is a gorgeous example of literal programming and the compiled .html website is full-fledged. So this note is intended to be NOT self-contained and only focus on things I found essential or interesting.
This note is intended to be very personal and potentially mix English with Chinese (You can Lol) So yeah. Don’t expect it to be well organized and well written. I posted it on blog mainly for my own references purpose.
The quotes could either come from the book or saying from someone (even including me).
Data and Functions
Custom Notation
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Notation"x && y" := (andb x y). Notation"x || y" := (orb x y).
can go pretty far with unicode char…
making things infix
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Notation"x + y" := (plus x y) (at level 50, left associativity) : nat_scope. Notation"x - y" := (minus x y) (at level 50, left associativity) : nat_scope. Notation"x * y" := (mult x y) (at level 40, left associativity) : nat_scope.
why 4050? Making sure there are still rooms for priority in between…
no known PL using real number for priority though
Data Constructor with arguments
there are 2 ways to define them:
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Inductive color : Type := | black | white | primary (p : rgb). (* ADT, need to name arg, useful in proof *) | primary : rgb -> color. (* GADT style, dependent type *)
Syntax for arguments having the same type
As a notational convenience, if two or more arguments have the same type, they can be written together
Fixpoint mult (n m : nat) : nat := Fixpoint plus (n : nat) (m : nat) : nat :=
Fixpoint and Structrual Recursion
This requirement is a fundamental feature of Coq’s design: In particular, it guarantees that every function that can be defined in Coq will terminate on all inputs.
However, Coq’s “decreasing analysis” is not very sophisticated. E.g.
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Fixpoint evenb (n:nat) : bool := match n with | O => true | S O => false | n => evenb (pred (pred n)) end.
will result in a error that basically complains “this structure is not shrinking”.
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Error: Recursive definition of evenb is ill-formed.
evenb : nat -> bool n : nat n0 : nat n1 : nat
Recursive call to evenb has principal argument equal to "Nat.pred (Nat.pred n)" instead of one of the following variables: "n0" "n1".
Recursive definition is: "fun n : nat => match n with | 0 => true | 1 => false | S (S _) => evenb (Nat.pred (Nat.pred n)) end".
N.B. the n0 and n1 are sub-terms of n where n = S (S _).
So we have to make the sub-structure explicit to indicate the structure is obviously shrinking:
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Fixpoint evenb (n:nat) : bool := match n with | O => true | S O => false | S (S n') => evenb n' end.
Now Coq will know this Fixpoint is performing a structural recursion over the 1st recursion and it guarantees to be terminated since the structure is decreasing:
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evenb is defined evenb is recursively defined (decreasing on 1st argument)
simpl. does nothing since both + and =? have 2 cases.
so we have to destructn as 2 cases: nullary O and unary S n'.
intros n. destruct n as [ (* O *) | (* S *) n'] eqn:E.
the intro patternas [ |n'] name new bindings.
eqn:E annonate the destructed eqn (equation?) as E in the premises of proofs. It could be elided if not explicitly used, but useful to keep for the sake of documentation as well.
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subgoal 1
n : nat E : n = 0(* case 1, n is [O] a.k.a. [0] *) ============================ (0 + 1 =? 0) = false
subgoal 2
n, n' : nat E : n = S n' (* case 2, n is [S n'] *) ============================ (S n' + 1 =? 0) = false
If there is no need to specify any names, we could omit as clause or simply write as [|] or as []. In fact. Any as clause could be ommited and Coq will fill in random var name auto-magically.
A small caveat on intro
intros x y. destruct y as [ | y ] eqn:E.
By doing this, name y is shadowed. It’d usually better to use, say y' for this purpose.
standing for Latin words “Quod Erat Demonstrandum”…meaning “that which was to be demonstrated”.